Many fonts are available for Dovahzul, including one ripped from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and several created by the community.

Due to Dovahzul's alphabet having more characters than the Latin alphabet, there are 2 widely used methods to allow the extra characters to be written. The scheme used in Skyrim is to map extra characters to the arabic numerals 1-9 (with an extra mysterious character mapped to 0), while other fonts choose to reserve 0-9 for non-canon numeral runes and map the extra alphabetical glyphs to capital forms of other letters.

Installing Fonts

If you want to use these fonts on your own device or a website or app you're building, but you aren't familiar with how fonts work, this quick guide will help you get started.


Find a font file in the file explorer, right-click, and click "Install". The font should appear in font lists (though you may need to restart some apps or your whole computer).

Context menu of a .ttf file on Windows 11


No guide exists here. If you know how to install a font on MacOS (ideally with screenshots), consider contributing to this page!


To install for all users, copy the font file(s) into /usr/local/share/fonts. Within this directory, you may choose to organise font files into sub-folders for organisation.

To install for just yourself, copy the file(s) into ~/.local/share/fonts.

On The Web

First, you'll need to declare a font-face. You can name it whatever you want. You may set the URL to the content file on this GitHub repo, but be advised that this file may move at any time without notice. The recommended solution is to host the file(s) on your own CDN.

@font-face {
    font-family: 'dragon-alphabet';
    src: url('fonts/dragon-alphabet.ttf') format('truetype');
Once you've declared the font-face, you can apply the font to any element with a font-family property:
.dragon-alphabet {
    font-family: 'dragon-alphabet', sans-serif;

Font File Downloads

Calligraphy Dragon Runes

enOk jul los kIn stin Hrk ronit ko zin Hrk stinne.
nust ofAl mindorAn Hrk krosis
Hrk fent dreh voth zI do zeymHhe.

Shared by user hiith on the forum's library, the Calligraphy Dragon Runes font is available in medium here.

Comic Dragon Runes

enOk jul los kIn stin Hrk ronit ko zin Hrk stinne.
nust ofAl mindorAn Hrk krosis
Hrk fent dreh voth zI do zeymHhe.

Released under the SIL Open Font License, Comic Dragon Runes is inspired by the infamous comic sans font. Available in medium, bold, and with two ( one| two) .DS_Store fonts for MacOS (formerly OSX).

Dragon Alphabet

en8k jul los k3n stin 4rk ronit ko Zin 4rk stinne.
nust of1l mindor1n 4rk krosis
4rk fent dreh voth z3 do zeym4he.

Ripped directory from the files of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Dragon Alphabet font comes directly from the word walls of Skyrim.

From "The Dragon Alphabet font has all 34 runes mapped to both the upper and lower cases. Special characters are mapped on the numbers 0-9. This is the font that is used throughout the site. It also features punctation such as periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points."

Interestingly, this font contains an unused glyph mapped to the "0" key. The meaning of this rune has been the subject of some speculation and debate.

keyboard layout for the Dragon Alphabet font

Dragon Alphabet - Numbered

enOk jul los kIn stin Hrk ronit ko zin Hrk stinne.
nust ofAl mindorAn Hrk krosis
Hrk fent dreh voth zI do zeymHhe.

From "The Numbered Dragon Alphabet font has all of the letters and punctuation the previous font has, in addition to runes for numbers. Special characters have been moved from the number keys to uppercase keys. Special thanks to RegalDragon for putting the number runes and font together!"

The Dragon Alphabet - Numbered font is similar to the aforementioned font ripped from the game, though it also includes non-canon runes for numbers 0 through 9. The extra 9 runes are mapped to capital forms of other letters, with the rune keyed to "0" being omitted entirely.

Wanted is aware of some extra fonts, but has been unable to retrieve copies. If you think you might have a copy, please get in touch via email or make a pull request on our GitHub repo.

  • Simple Dragon Runes
  • Dovahzul Modern Font
  • Alternative Dragon Rune Fonts